Pat Robertson Shrugs Off Saudi Murder, Cites 'Billions' In Arms Sales
Televangelist Pat Robertson admits that money trumps the commandment not to kill, apparently.
Televangelist Pat Robertson shrugged off the brutal bone saw murder of permanent U.S. resident Jamal Khashoggi on Saudi embassy premises because in his view, arms sales to the Saudis is far more important than the murder of one measly journalist.
"I just want to cool down the temper of those who are screaming bloody murder at the Saudis," Robertson drawled.
"Look, these people are key allies. Our main enemy in the middle east is Iran and the Saudis stand up against Iran," he continued.
After allowing that some of his viewers may think the Saudis' religion is obnoxious, he returned to his main point: The Almighty Dollar trumps principle, even Biblical principle.
"I don't think on this issue we need to pull sanctions and get tough," he insisted. "We've got an arms deal that everybody wants a piece of -- 190 Billion -- it's huge and it'll create a lot of jobs and a lot of money coming to our coffers. It's not something you want to blow up, willy nilly."
Yeah, I mean just because the Saudis probably lured a US journalist for the Washington Post (at the command of their Crown Prince) to the Saudi embassy in Turkey on a pretext, interrogated him, likely tortured him with his Apple Watch as testimony to his demise, and then allegedly cut him up into pieces with a bone saw they brought to the embassy solely for the purpose of disposal of his remains doesn't mean we shouldn't heed the call of the Almighty Dollar, am I right?
In the church where I was raised, there was this thing called the Ten Commandments. One of those commandments was (and is), "Thou shalt not murder."
Apparently at some point Robertson decided to worship at the altar of St. Dollar the Divine, where brutal murder is fine as long as the arms sales go through.
(h/t Right Wing Watch)