Sad Lindsey Graham Demands Apology From Amy Klobuchar

Sniveling toady Senator Lindsey Graham took his inner misogynist out and laid it on the table for everyone to see.

Whatever it is that has Senator Lindsey Graham's balls in a wringer, it's successfully turned him into the most odious trump toady of them all.

Behold Lindsey, in all his good ole boy splendor, spewing BS for Fox News viewers while demanding the lady senator bow down before the dude facing a credible accusation of dry-humping Dr. Christine Blasey Ford while holding his hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream while he was falling-down drunk.

The only thing Senator Klobuchar owes him is a kick in the teeth and a No vote. I'm pretty tired of pasty, well-oiled Senators like Lindsey stepping on the backs of women. Beware November.

Rough transcript below, but really you should watch through the point where he says Sen. Klobuchar should debase herself with an apology to Judge DryHumper.

GRAHAM: The Kavanaugh bump is real. The biggest change in the 2018 midterms. In North Dakota he should be confirmed. Every -- there's been asserted by republicans, why? Whether you are a Trump republican, libertarian, vegetarian, McCain republican, Romney republican, Bush republican, you are mad as hell because we are all united that this is unfair what they are doing to this good decent man. The Republicans said he will be a democrat, not a republican. You've been able to do something that I could never do, unite this party.

HANNITY: The anger is real.

GRAHAM: What to do what you have to sway good men and the only way he stays destroyed is if we buy into this trap. Putting him on the court is the only antidote.

HANNITY: you were a prosecutor. When you see no corroboration --

GRAHAM: I don't prosecute.

HANNITY: you don't prosecute.

GRAHAM: The law requires you to tell the accused where it happened, when it happened and to have corroboration that it did happen. My beef is not with Dr. Ford. She's been used and abused. My beef is with the Democratic party who laid in wait, betrayed her trust, didn't tell her we would go to California. My beef is with the fact that they've done everything they can do to destroy his life. If you don't believe he's a gang-rapist, a predator, stumbling drunk, how about he doesn't have the temperament? This is the one that bothers me the most.

He apologized to Amy Klobuchar for snapping at her. What would you do if you were accused of all these things, had her life ruined? Here's what I can say: Amy Klobuchar should apologize to Judge Kavanaugh and his family for being part of a smear campaign I haven't seen in over 20 years in politics.

HANNITY: what about these red state democrats?

GRAHAM (speaking of his colleagues): I think they are toast.

HANNITY: All of them?

GRAHAM: All of them.

HANNITY: the only two that are open seemingly --

GRAHAM: They are toast if they vote no. They should be. President Trump won the states promising to nominate conservative judges. This is a Bush guy. He worked for the Bush White House. He's as mainstream as you can get. He's been on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals for 12 years. Glowing assessments of his credibility, his integrity before this hearing.

If you're going to reward people for destroying his life by questioning his temperament then you are setting in motion the destruction of the judiciary. At two and Republican who wants to question Kavanaugh's temperament, what you're doing is the people were putting --

HANNITY: five weeks from tonight the results will start flowing in. If you went pretty viable, your comments on this program last night and you said that if you fall one vote short, that this election five weeks from tonight that this could be a referendum, the president could renominate Kavanaugh with the new Senate and enough votes to confirm him.

GRAHAM: Looks like the people decide. Corker made an observation that we've got the votes and here's what I would say to Bob. We have to wait on the FBI to validate the committee's work. They are just about done. I'm confident both of them, if there is no change, if the FBI learns nothing new about the allegation or legitimacy to Ramirez, that they will vote for Kavanaugh because we've done everything within reason and I hope Jeff Flake will also -- he voted yes in committee and now he's talking about temperament and yearbook entries. To those who questioned the yearbook entries, just listen to what you are saying. You're going to decide this man's fate based on the yearbook entry.

HANNITY: Ice-throwing. At the Senator from Hawaii.

GRAHAM: The triangle. If you have a doubt what it really means, go back and talk to Judge Kavanaugh himself. Don't humiliate this man.

HANNITY: if the FBI -- there's one report that they haven't talked to Dr. Ford. Is there a need to talk to her?

GRAHAM: The last thing Dr. Ford needs in my view is to go through the ringer again. She came forward to the committee, couldn't tell us anything in person. I think something really did happen to her, I am convinced it wasn't Brett Kavanaugh. If she was wrong about her best friend being at the party (ED. NOTE: THIS IS A LIE FROM SEN. GRAHAM), what else was she wrong about? Her best friend says i'm not here to refute her claim, i'm just saying i've never met Brett Kavanaugh. How do you know you just had one beer and you can't remember anything else?

HANNITY: Senator, you've been a force for fairness in this. This shouldn't be republican or democrat.

It sure is now. If you don't get what they are doing --

HANNITY: You voted for both of Obama's nominees. Republicans didn't act this way. (ED: EXCEPT FOR MERRICK GARLAND WHO NEVER GOT THE COURTESY OF A HEARING)

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