Fox Guest: Bible 'Commands Us To Give Refuge To Those Who Are In Need' Except Migrants

A leader of a type of hypocritical No-labels group that dismisses racial identity, now claims Christians should deny asylum seekers because they aren't poor enough.

Christopher Harris is a nutjob who runs a group called Unhyphenated American which objects to mentions of racial or ethnic identity, i.e. be "American," not "African-American." (I guess those of us who are Italian-American or Irish-American are OK?) Harris is now getting airtime on Fox by using Biblical references to justify tear-gassing children. There's always a seat at Fox and Friends for a D-list self-promoter arguing against the United States actually obeying the law when it comes to asylum seekers.

I tried to find a website for his so-called group, but it's still under construction. Fox News will put any type of self-described "conservative activist" on their airwaves as long as they attack the left and adhere to Trump's policies.

Doocy asked, "What are people getting wrong about what's going on just south of San Diego?"

Harris replied, "Well, I think the problem is how the media is characterizing America as a whole. They don't understand, look, America is definitely not a theocracy, but we are, without a doubt, a nation of Christians and, as such, we know we're commanded to give refuge to those who are in need."

His rant started out sort of being kind, don't you think? It didn't last.

He continued, "But here's the thing, we’re not being allowed to welcome them into the nation. They're actually storming the border. You know, it's just like somebody coming into your house. You have a front door. You know what I ask? Knock on the door, ring the doorbell, allow me to open the door to let you come in. And that's what they're not doing, is they're demanding to come in."

He's wrong of course since most asylum seekers do use the proper channels to try and gain entry into the US.

Harris continued with his moronic propaganda.

"And I saw one of the clips from one of your reporters who was embedded down there in Tijuana and these gentlemen are saying that you know, they’re trying to come in. They know they don't qualify for asylum. And even from a Christian standpoint, it talks about who are the poor? Right? It's the women and children. And what you'll see at the border it's probably like 90 percent adult males," Harris said.

Men can't be poor?

And how does Harris know who actually qualifies for asylum? Did God tell him?

And then after Christopher lied when he said 90% of the seekers were male, even Steve Doocy had to correct him on his math.

Doocy said, "Right. In fact, the latest number is I think -- of the people they have taken a look at, 3,600 men, there are about 1,000 women, and about 1,000 children as well."

That's a far cry from 90%, Christopher.

Fox and Friends hosted another conservative crackpot who renounces his own "Black-ish-ness" to smear migrant asylum seekers.

I imagine he's well-paid to shill for Trump.

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