Fox Biz Demonizes Rep. Maxine Waters: 'Very Hostile To Banks'

What Fox News fails to mention is Rep. Waters is well respected by House Republicans on the Financial Services Committee

Fox Business' Varney & Co., opened by flashing huge graphics of Maxine Waters' face on their screen, telling their viewers with Trump lackey Stephen Moore's help, if you don't come out and vote, Waters will run the Financial Services Committee and destroy the U.S. economy..

It's despicable how a valued member of Congress that both sides of the aisle admire, has been turned into the newest boogeyman for Republicans to vilify.

As Vox writes, "Depicting a 79-year-old black Congress member as a threatening figure is also a way of delegitimizing her with the “angry black woman” trope."

After playing an edited clip of Waters giving a speech to the Black Women's Breakfast, Varney turned to his guest Stephen Moore, one of the top economic advisers to Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign to discuss.

Varney said, "Sounds like a threat to the banks if you ask me."

The poor bankers can never have their fee-fees hurt, right Stuart?

Moore replied, "Just when everything was going so well you have to bring that up, right? That's a scary scenario -- Maxine Waters is very hostile to the banks, very hostile to wall street. very hostile to investors. So, you know that would be one of the worst features of a Democratic house."

This fear mongering of Waters is awful. First, Fox News and Trump's surrogates have demonized her as an angry black woman who wants to do violence to Republicans to deflect from Trump's egregious immigration policies and his vitriolic behavior.

Now, they want to paint her as an enemy of the banks to influence who runs the Financial Services Committee in the House. The problem is, it's is a flat-out lie.

As Politico reports, Waters is viewed as an honest deal-maker between both parties, who keeps her word. And it's Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.) saying so.

There are many, many things that Maxine and I are completely, diametrically the opposite on,” said Rep. Frank Lucas (R-Okla.), who is in the running to be the committee’s Republican leader. “But I have dealt with her enough on issues to understand she can see the whole picture. It is possible to negotiate with her and she’ll keep her word. That’s an important thing in Congress. Not everybody does that anymore.”

"She'll keep her word."

Hear that, all you conservative liars?

You can't say that about Trump or anybody in his administration. More projection from you jokers. Strap in, haters, because Auntie Maxine is about to be the boss of that committee, and the bankers will just have to suffer.

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