Fox News Hack Thinks Pepper-Spraying Kids Is Fine: 'You Could Eat It'

Trying to downplay the horrible effects of tear gas and pepper spray used against migrants, Former Border Patrol agent Ron Colburn was all for pepper-spraying because it's natural.

Ron Colburn, a former border patrol agent and president of one of those 501 tax-dodge groups called the Border Patrol Foundation told Fox and Friends that being pepper sprayed is no big deal! It's so safe you can put it on your food and eat it!

How 'bout you eat it, Ron?

Move over Ron Popeil.

This is the sharp commentary and analysis Fox News provides its viewers.

As chaos erupted at the border near Tijuana on Sunday, authorities shot tear gas into the crowd to disperse them. Unfortunately many woman and children were left crying and scrambling from the fall out.

Trump and Fox News has used the asylum seekers as a political tool to try and energize their voting base, but the images from Sunday's maelstrom are backfiring quickly.

A big talking point from Trump supporters (with no proof of course) is that the migrant caravan is being funded by lefties.

Colburn continued promoting that false narrative as well as the idea that these struggling people feel entitled.

After viewing some of the footage, Doocy asked, "When you look at those images, what do you think?"

Colburn said, "Well certainly, this particular group, the caravan, which has been well organized and supported from outside sources, has a core of violence to it that basically communicates a sense of entitlement."

He continued, "These are persons that one would like to think are true refugees, but they're not showing that in their actions."

And Colburn would know how these people feel.

Doocy said, "When you look at, and you look at the story, where apparently hundreds of them just decided, you know, we're frustrated, let's make a run at the border, there was a small hole they were able to puncture through the border wall, and they hurled all sorts of rocks, et cetera at the border patrol agents, and then they fired the tear gas. Is that warranted?"

Colburn replied, " Absolutely. And to clarify, the type of deterrent being used is OC pepper spray. It's literally water, pepper, with a small amount of alcohol for evaporation purposes. It's natural. You could actually put it on your nachos and eat it. So it's a good way of deterring people without long-term harm."

Pepper spray nachos? Sounds yummy. Does he give it to his neighbor's kids to play with and put it on his own mashed potatoes? Can they eat the tear gas too?

Whether agents were justified in shooting tear gas and pepper spray at migrants throwing rocks is one thing, justifying it by making the moronic claim that it's perfectly fine because the authorities didn't kill them? Reprehensible.

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