Fox News Host Tells Trump It's 'Time To Drain Your Own Swamp’

On Friday's "Outnumbered," Fox host Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery had strong words for Donald Trump, but she seems to have forgotten that Trump brought the swamp to Washington, D.C. with him.

Fox continues to be in major damage control for Donald Trump now that his former fixer, Michael Cohen, has reached a plea deal with Mueller and they've been doing their best to either paint Cohen as a liar, to minimize the seriousness of the crimes he's admitted to, or pretend that the plea means nothing and continue insisting that there's no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

On this Friday's Outnumbered, co-host Lisa Montgomery Kennedy did her part to try to separate Trump from all of these "slimy" criminals that keep getting convicted by Mueller, and told Trump he needs to drain his own swamp.

Lisa Kennedy has had enough with President Donald Trump‘s cronies. As Roger Stone, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen find themselves embroiled in special counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, the Fox News host suggested the president pull the plug on his own swamp.

On Outnumbered Friday, Kennedy called Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer and fixer, a “a gross person” who has been “gaming the system.”

“I hate to see it but the president has hired some doozies,” Kennedy said.

“I don’t even think we would argue with that at this point,” co-host Harris Faulkner replied. “The whole nation has learned it.”

“You look at Manafort, Roger Stone, Michael Cohen, it’s like come on man: it’s time for you to drain your own swamp,” Kennedy added. “And move forward without some of these hangers on. Because these slimy, vaseline covered salamanders do more harm than good.”

I hate to break it to her, but Trump is the swamp. He's surrounded by people who are just like himself... you know... the best people. I await Fox and Trump eventually trying to pretend Trump really didn't know any of them as the indictments continue to pile up. They've had no trouble peddling his revisionist history every time he lies (which is just about every time he opens his mouth) so far.

We're about to find out if there are any limits to how much they're willing to insult the intelligence of their viewers. I'm guessing there are none.

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