Fox's Wingnut Pastor Robert Jeffress Attacks The Pope As A 'Globalist' Who Wants 'One World Government'
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It seems Lou Dobbs and his producers at Fox Business Network have learned nothing since pulling an episode last week, where Dobbs and his guest were attacking George Soros just prior to the synagogue shooting, and shortly after mail bombs were sent to Soros' home.
This Friday, the new target was Pope Francis, who Dobbs and his guest, wingnut anti-Semitic Pastor Robert Jeffress, went after for his support of the migrants in the Honduran caravan, and attacked as a "globalist":
LOU DOBBS (HOST): I just want to start with this president and all that he has accomplished. And suddenly we are hearing from the Pope. And this is a bizarre thing, this is not coincidence that the Pope would be saying things like immigration should be -- you should permit immigrants to cross your border no matter what there shouldn't be any obstruction whatsoever. What do you -- Is he right? Is that some sort of biblical statement of truth that we should be repairing to?
ROBERT JEFFRESS: No, in fact, it's exactly the opposite, Lou. The Bible teaches God is the one who designed countries. Acts 17 says he designed the boundaries in which countries exist. God's plan is not for a one world government that the Pope seems to be longing for.
And you know, what the Pope has in common with these Hondurans, who are trying to sue our country is this: I mean, we have got these Hondurans trying to come into our country, they're suing our nation for their so-called constitutional rights, and the only thing more absurd than that, Lou, are the globalists like the Pope who would actually defend their right to do such a thing.
And I think you're going to see pinheads on CNN and MSNBC trying to defend this preposterous idea. And look, the end game of globalists is to erase the distinction between nations and eliminate the differences between people who live in and outside our country, and that's wrong.
Usually their fear-mongering over "globalists" is reserved for Jewish people like Soros.
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