POPULISM! Trump Economic Advisor Says Federal Minimum Wage Is 'Terrible Idea'
What a brilliant closing argument for all of those "economically insecure" Trump voters, Larry Kudlow.
"My view is that the federal minimum wage is a terrible idea. A terrible idea."
Thus spake Larry Kudlow.
In an interview with Robert Costa, Kudlow told all of Trump's base -- those "economically insecure" voters -- that ANY federal minimum wage was a terrible idea. YAY populism.
Those poor small businesses, don't you know? "Forcing them to take that kind of payroll increase would be silly," said Kudlow.
Not only did Kudlow oppose a federal minimum wage, he took it straight to the state and local levels criticizing it there, too. For Kudlow, there should never, ever be a floor on wages. Hell, slave labor is fine with him!
Oh, and about those health care benefits? Yeah, ditch those too.
Kudlow told Robert Costa, “We have no plans to touch the large entitlements, but we do have plans to erase remnants of Obamacare and provide more market-oriented, incentive-oriented health care.”
Huh. The Affordable Care Act IS market-oriented, incentive-oriented health care. They can only do one thing to "erase remnants" of it, and that's to kill the protections for pre-existing conditions.
That's quite an argument they're making in the closing days of the midterms. Vote for our guys so we can take your healthcare away and cut your pay!