Right On Schedule, Another 'Brooks Brothers Riot' In Florida

Florida Republicans riot and sue to stop votes from being counted because it wins them elections.

Driven by the firehose of fake news coming out of the Right Wing noise machine, a Republican mob of protestors is chanting "lock her up" in Broward County, Florida.

The "her" is Dr. Brenda Calhoun Snipes, supervisor of elections for Broward County. She's a JEB BUSH APPOINTEE. Also an African-American woman, and target of some very ugly racist signs in that crowd.

You may recall the election of 2000, where the Bush's stopped the recount in Miami/Dade County through a plan of attack involving (yes, PAID) protestors, lawsuits, and intimidation. (Rachel Maddow covered this because they repeated the playbook over healthcare in 2010. Check out the young Chris Hayes, and note that one of the Brooks Brothers paid protestors was Matt Schlapp.)

@FLGovScott — counting votes isn't partisan — it's democracy.

Count every vote.

— Andrew Gillum (@AndrewGillum) November 9, 2018

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