Trump Demeans April Ryan During Midterm Press Conference
Trump's atrocious behavior. He demeaned another African American reporter. SHAME.
During Donald Trump's unhinged press conference, as reporter April Ryan tried to ask a question, Trump demeaned her verbally and demanded she sit down!
Is it me or is Trump unusually hostile to African-American women asking him pointed questions?
As reporters were calling out about voter suppression, Trump responded, "well I'll give you voter suppression -- " He turned to April Ryan who was off camera pointed and said "Sit down please. SIT DOWN, I didn't call you, I didn't call you."
He continued, "I'll give you voter suppression, take a look at the CNN polls how inaccurate they were. That's called voter suppression. go ahead, please."
April Ryan then got up, and Trump said, "I'm not responding. I'm responding to -- excuse me, I'm not responding to you. I'm talking to this gentleman, will you please sit down? Excuse me, would you please sit down. Please, go ahead."
A male reporter said, "Thank you, Mr. President, now that the House of Representatives -- "
Ryan was still talking off camera and Trump said, "Very hostile. Such a hostile media."
He turned to Ryan, "It's so sad, you ask me about -- " Angrily he said, "NO, you rudely interrupted him. You rudely interrupted him. Go ahead."