Brian Kilmeade: 'Pelosi Is Better At It Than Trump'

The Fox and Friends morning show host confesses his admiration for how Nancy Pelosi handled Donald Trump in the ridiculous Oval Office meeting yesterday.

Well, slap my @ss and call me Sally, Fox and Friends was saying nice things about Nancy Pelosi — on the air! It's no surprise after her performance yesterday in the Oval Office that liberal outlets are praising her to the skies, and falling all over themselves to claim her as their own...present company included. When the hosts of Fox News are openly impressed, though, that is a day to mark on the calendar, my friends.

Steve Doocy compared Individual 1's pathetic attempt to own Nancy and Chuck (can we please start putting her name before his, now?) to his photo op with Kanye West. Ainsley Earhardt held up a copy of the New York Post's front page, which declared "Fight House." It was Brian Kilmeade's praise, though, that was most specific and effusive. Effusive? Okay, maybe not effusive. But I'm sure it was admiring enough to get the Occupant of Kremlin West's krov boiling, da?

I mean, Kilmeade seemed pretty impressed.

She has the same brawling tactics the president has, but she has a better way of doing it. She's more passive-aggressive. "Oh, if the president insists on this wall, it will be the trump shutdown." "Excuse me? That's not the trump shutdown. I've got the wall. We need the wall." And here we go.

He continued, declaring that if you're in the pool spray, or just an average American citizen, for that matter, you're loving this public display. He'd rather have this fight in front of the cameras, where we can see it than behind closed doors. I mean, under normal circumstances, you would never find me agreeing with Brian Kilmeade on anything. But on this? I am pained to say I'm muscling past the gag reflex, so that I can be honest, here, and state my (gah) agreement. And not because I believe this is how negotiations should be conducted in general.

No, the real reason I am happy this happened in front of us is that there is hard video evidence, in real time, of the incredible strength and value Nancy Pelosi brings to our government in the position she holds. Suddenly, Americans were confronted with the undeniable, unassailable truth of why we need smart, experienced, powerful women at the table. Everywhere.

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