Despite New Investigation, George Papadopoulis Confirms He'll Run For Congress In 2020
The FBI is looking into more allegations that George Papadopoulis is working in concert with Russia, even as he announces he'll run for Congress in 2020, preferably in an Orange County, CA district. Yes, you read that right.
Here's a fun couple of stories for a Friday. First, we have news that the FBI is actively investigating George Papadopoulis in spite of his earlier conviction and deal with Robert Mueller's office.
Scott Stedman reports:
Federal authorities out of Washington DC, working in coordination with Robert Mueller’s team, have in recent days sought to arrange an interview with the author of a letter sent to Congress last month that claimed that ex-Trump adviser George Papadopoulos coordinated with Russians in the weeks following the 2016 election. The person who wrote the letter is expected to travel to DC for an interview with the FBI about the claims, per two U.S. officials involved and the author of the letter. All three have requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the topic.
The memo sent to Congressman Adam Schiff by a former confidant of Papadopoulos on November 19, as first reported by this reporter and Natasha Bertrand of the Atlantic, made a series of allegations against the ex-Trump campaign adviser. First and foremost, the letter claimed that in December 2016, Papadopoulos said “that he was doing a business deal with Russians which would result in large financial gain for himself and Mr. Trump. Mr. Papadopoulos told me that this deal with Russians would set him up for life.” The author also says that (s)he witnessed a phone call between Trump and Papadopoulos. None of the claims have been substantiated, though Congress plans to dig into the specific allegations.
Meanwhile, sleazy boy George has set his sights on a Congressional seat in 2020. And you know, with all the news that's breaking about how Trump was going to be a lock on the presidency in 2016 long before any polls suggested that was true, it wouldn't surprise me if this investigation and his hunger for a seat in Congress aren't related. But I digress....
Papadopoulis has confirmed that he's looking for a nice district in Orange County, CA to run for office. "Now that Los Angeles is home I just have to find a little Republican enclave somewhere in this part of the country and run there," he said in an interview with the Daily Telegraph.
Does he know something the rest of us don't? Or is it just false bravado?