Fox's Jeanine Pirro Conveniently Forgets Mexico Was Supposed To Pay For Trump's Border Wall

Fox's Jeanine Pirro opened her show this Saturday sucking up to Trump and imploring him to "keep his campaign promise" on the border wall, ignoring the fact that he continually said Mexico was going to pay for it.

Here's another one of Trump's advisors on Fox "News" giving him policy advice about his ridiculous border wall. "Judge" Jeanine Pirro opened her show this Saturday with an eight minute long rant, sucking up to Trump and telling him how great he is, while attacking Democrats as evil incarnate for refusing to cave to Trump now that he flipped flopped on taking responsibility for his government shutdown.

PIRRO: I would like to direct my open to the president of the United States. Mr. President, I understand the pressure that you are under from every side. But the wall at our southern border is a promise that you made, ran on, got elected on and must keep. But more than that, it is your legacy. And you cannot allow them to force you to compromise.

So here we are, days before the Christmas holiday, and you are facing the most important issues that Americans elected you to confront. Your promise to build the wall. Now, there has never been a president more dedicated to fulfilling a campaign promise than you. Unlike just about every other president in recent memory, you say what you mean and you mean what you say. That is why your base is so loyal to you and continues to grow.

You have done what no other president that has had the fortitude to do. The wall is no different. And you must fulfill this fundamental promise to the American people. You cannot buckle.

At no time during her rant did Pirro bother to mention the fact that Trump continually promised that Mexico was going to pay for his border wall. Now they want to shut down the government if the American taxpayers won't foot the bill.

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