Meet Your Top White House Advisor: Rush Limbaugh

Brutal leaders like Erdogan, Putin and Jong-Un run our foreign policy and now right wing talkers like Rush Limbaugh run U.S. economic policies

On Thursday after Fox and Friends played video of Rush Limbaugh attacking Trump for accepting a bipartisan CR deal that would have funded the govt until February that didn't include any funding for the moronic wall, Trump refused to sign the deal.

The entire Congress had packed their bags for the holidays. “[Trump] will sign a clean CR,” Sen. Cornyn told CNN.

But what they all hadn't realized was that Trump had appointed a new advisor to the White House and a silent Chief of Staff.

Meet the new boss.

Rush said, "That's been the objective to end this Congress without a shutdown? That's how we are going to define success? It's not how we define success. It is apparently how, inside the beltway defines it --- meanwhile, the border remains wide open, and the Democrats are going to be controlling the House in just a few weeks."

He continued, " Are now gloating and telling the president you can't get any money from anywhere else in the budget. This is textbook. It's a textbook example of what the drive-by media calls compromise. Trump gets nothing and the Democrats get everything, including control of the House."

When you don't have the votes the two parties usually negotiate to at least keep the federal government open. CR's have been relatively peaceful until Obama was elected and now they must be approved by Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, and Fox and Friends before voted on by Congress under Donald Trump's leadership.

On Thursday's program Limbaugh told his flock of geese that he received a direct message from Trump, "You tell Rush that if there’s no money in this, it’s getting vetoed. If there’s no money for a wall I’m vetoing this plain and simple."

And there you have it.

Hundreds of thousands of federal employees suffer at the hands of fools.

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