Obama Claus Came To Town!

Former President Barack Obama put on a Santa hat and grabbed a bag of toys before visiting the good children at National Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C..

While Satan was stomping around the White House ranting about walls and canceling meetings with outgoing Senator Bob Corker over his impulsive Syria decisions, there was another president doing the work of angels at Children's National Hospital in Washington, D.C.

Former President Barack Obama put on a Santa hat and paid some visits to kids in the hospital earlier today.

Washington Post reports:

First on Obama’s list was a group of patients 4 and up who were making snowflakes in one of the hospital’s playrooms. After the excitement died down, the former president handed out jigsaw puzzles (which were his grandmother’s favorite, he told the crowd), Hot Wheels sets, remote-control cars, and glittery nail polish, among other goodies collected by Obama and his staffers. Hey, the guy knows his audience.

“I know they will be talking about it for years to come,” said Kurt Newman, chief executive and president of Children’s National Health System. “At such a busy time of year, when no one wants to be in the hospital, his natural warmth lifted the spirits of those kids, their parents and of each staff member he met along the way.”

What a concept. A president thinking of others and doing something generous and kind-spirited during the holidays. I miss those days.

Obama Claus also dropped by individual patient rooms for one-on-one visits with children and their parents. He gifted one 12-year-old patient who was nervous about heading to high school next year a piece of advice: “Even the cool kids don’t have it all figured out.”

Before leaving, Obama thanked the staff for working during the holidays and recorded a video holiday message to be played on the hospital’s internal TV system for those he wasn’t able to visit during the trip.

Meanwhile, Satan stomps around the White House like a caged fascist, looking for the next way he can bilk America out of a few bucks. I like the Obama version better.

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