Pat Robertson: Trump Pulled A Michael Jordan-Type 'Head Fake' On Syria To Fool People

The evangelical leader is clinging to the idea that Trump was not being serious when he ordered the troops to leave Syria.

The day after Trump announced the U.S. defeated ISIS and commanded a troop withdrawal from Syria, Pat Robertson told his viewers Trump was only faking out the world like Michael Jordan did on a basketball court to distract attention away from Michael Flynn and the Mueller investigation.

I guess Trump faked out Gen. Mattis to resign, too?

Robertson said, "Did you ever use the watch basketball? I used to think the Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan were the most fabulous basketball team, I loved watching him and Jordan had a head fake, he would fake and move to the basket and score."

He continued, "Well, [Trump} is using a head fake. He's been driven into the corner with all this business about Mueller and investigations and all this, Flynn and so forth and so he pulls a head fake, I'm commander-in-chief and I'm going to pull out of Syria and everybody says 'ahhhh' and they start focusing on Syria and they take their eyes off something else.

Robertson: "It's a head fake, and he is a master of it."

So to distract the American public about the Mike Flynn sentencing hearing, he orders all troops removed from Syria, as a joke. Gotcha.

"But the surprise came when he said I'm pulling everything out of Syria and it's a crucial time when Russia and Iran are getting stronger and seeking more influence in the region," Robertson said.

If this was indeed a head fake one would imagine Trump would've told the Pentagonabout this move instead of blindsiding the entire military leadership of America

His Twitter announcement caused General Mattis to quit as Secretary of Defense. Or was that a head fake, too, Pat Robertson?

It's just more scattershot leadership from a bumbling moron who takes his orders from foreign dictators and farts them out on Twitter as US policy.

But I do agree with Pat Robertson on this point. Michael Jordan was a terrific athlete to watch. Even though I'm a New York Knicks fan.

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