Fox And Friends Blames Dems For 'Throwing DACA Under The Bus'
"Fox and Friends" rewrites history to make believe Trump didn't veto a deal on immigration in early January of 2018. That deal included DACA. That deal was AFTER he insulted African American countries by calling them "shitholes."
Trying to defend Trump's government shutdown, Fox News guest host Rachel Campos-Duffy made believe Democrats had abandoned DACA recipients and actually said, "the Democrats are throwing these DACA kids under the bus."
State-sponsored propaganda is getting desperate on Fox and Friends as we head into 2019.
All morning the F&F team furiously led with an article from Politico, that says when the Dems retake the House, they will pass a new bill -- without giving Trump his wall money -- to reopen the government.
Even as Fox News spreads propaganda saying Trump is on the right side of this issue, a new poll came out showing Trump's approval rating dropping back down to his post Charlottesville, "neo-Nazis are very fine people" comments level.
But that had no effect on super Trump suck-up Pete Hegseth who had the nerve to proclaim, "Trump is on the right side of what American people, law-abiding citizens think about this."
That is a lie.
A December NPR/PBS/Marist poll stated:
"By a 21-point margin — 57 percent to 36 percent — Americans think the president should compromise on the wall to avoid a government shutdown, rather than stand firm."
But not only do most Americans oppose risking a government shutdown over a wall, but more than two-thirds (69 percent) do not believe building a wall should even be an immediate priority for Congress. That includes half who do not believe it should be a priority at all.
And even though Republicans and Speaker Ryan already passed a bill in the HOUSE so they could dump it on the Senate and leave town, much of Fox News is still attacking Nancy Pelosi.
The Trump puppet claimed that Pelosi wants no border security, ignored that Trump and an entire Republican Congress exploded government spending and the deficit and used a security measure of a former president as some sort of proof a thousand mile long walls work.
Hegseth said, "Barack Obama just built a 10-foot wall around his compound in Washington because walls work."
Then came Rachel Campos-Duffy.
She wants Trump to put forth whatever deal they are trying to make to the American people.
Campos, "I really believe that there is a deal to be made. American people do want something to be done about DACA."
Wait, what? Did she just say DACA?
Campos continued, "The Democrats have said they want to help these DACA recipients. They have been supposedly fighting for them. Where are all the Hispanic activists out there pressuring the Democrats to come to the table with a deal. Money for the wall in exchange for DACA recipients there is a deal to be made - the Democrats are throwing these DACA kids under the bus. The media isn't even covering that."
That statement took a lot of chutzpah.
Duffy conveniently omits real facts to glorify Donald. Trump derailed a bi-partisan immigration deal that he originally agreed to in early January 18' that focused on DACA recipients.
And then he reneged!
It's easy to see why Trump surrogates would not want to revisit this bit of history. As Senators continued to talk to him about an immigration deal, Trump uttered his infamous "shithole" comments about African-American countries.