CNN Mocks Fox News Hosts' Flip-Flop On Shutdown

After pushing Trump to close the government down to fight Speaker Pelosi for his wall, some Fox News Trump sycophant hosts now claim Trump didn't cave at all.

Trump caved and reopened the federal government after his forced shutdown hurt only those workers and his party.

CNN's New Day panel had a field day watching the reactions of Trump surrogates on Fox News, who had claimed he'd never reopen unless he got his wall.

Both Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro caved along with their so-called president: β€œ...he showed leadership, rose above the partisan bickering in the swamp, offering relief to federal workers, all while sticking to his commitment to secure our border,” and β€œHe did not cave. He made a tactical decision, a strategy decision to pick the ground to fight on!”

Pirro's support for Trump has given her more exposure on Fox News, but she's become a parody of herself.

CNN's panel watched a Pirro clip and broke out in laughter.

Alisyn Camerota said, "You can tell very clearly from this who still wants to go to Mar-a-Lago."

John Avlon said, "'You stop picking on my friend Donald!' says Jeanine Pirro."

Joe Lockhart said he thought Coulter and Dobbs believe Trump's lies: "You have two people that are creations of the Fox News marketing department and know their audience. They took a poll and said we better stick with the president."

As ridiculous as these Fox News personalities look, they are hurting this country in ways that any television host has never been able to do before.

Even on a basic truth, they can't get honest with their audience. The problem is the country suffers because one-third of the electorate is brainwashed by their nonsense.

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