'Fox And Friends' Lies About New York's Reproductive Health Act

New York State protects women's reproductive rights. Fox and Friends (and other conservatives) see an opportunity to milk their favorite cash cow, the abortion issue. And OF COURSE they're lying about the law.

Fox and Friends and many in the conservative media are hyperventilating today about the new law that was passed in New York.

Abortion is the right wing's favorite cash cow, as well as a go-to for riling up the base, so Fox News laid it on thick.

Doocy said, "Yesterday we were telling you a little bit about the fact that here in New York State, Governor Cuomo signed the Reproductive Health Act, which essentially makes it legal to have an abortion up until birth."

Only if the mother is at risk or the fetus isn't viable. but let's actually discuss the facts.

Kilmeade said, "We're celebrating the fact that you can abort a baby legally up until, what, six months?

Doocy replied, "No Brian, up till birth."

Fox News cut to video of Cardinal Dolan who called New York 'the abortion capital of the world.'

Cut back to Kilmeade, "We're celebrating the fact that you can abort a baby legally up until, what, six months?"

No, people were celebrating because new protections for mothers were finally put into place. Just ask Erika Christensen about the ordeal she had. Women who have very late-term abortions do so because their lives are in danger due to a severely damaged and in some cases dead fetus. It's a medical tragedy, and the decision to save the woman's life is between a woman and her doctor.

Ainsley jumped in, "No, up until the day that the child’s born. I mean, that would be me getting pregnant, and -- being nine months pregnant and walking into the hospital and saying, “I don't want the child anymore.” I mean it's -- I can't even believe that this is happening."

That's not what the law does at all. Yet this lie is the one most Christian conservative activists tell.

You'll never get any real facts about this from religious right activists.

The vast majority of abortions take place in the first trimester. Fewer than ten percent of abortions occur at fourteen weeks or later, and, according to the Guttmacher Institute, only slightly more than one percent of abortions are performed at twenty-one weeks or later.

F&F played video from Trump's Chief of Staff, Rush Limbaugh, who attacked what he called the "declining moral foundation of our society," after Cuomo signed the bill.

Yes, protecting women at the verge of death due to an abnormal pregnancy, from harm and psychological damage, is suddenly a "decline of society" in these freak's eyes.

Fox and Friends then discussed if Gov. Cuomo should be excommunicated from the Catholic Church for signing the new law. Because they decide these things, doncha know.

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