Giuliani: 'It Would Be Perfectly Normal' If Trump Talked To Cohen About Congressional Testimony
Rudy Giuliani told CNN's Jake Tapper that he had "no way of knowing" whether Trump spoke to Michael Cohen prior to his testimony before Congress, but if he had, "it would be perfectly normal."
Rudy Giuliani proves once again that he's the world's worst lawyer. Trump's attorney made an appearance on this Sunday'sState of the Union and was asked by host Jake Tapper about the allegations in the explosive BuzzFeed article, accusing Trump of directing Cohen to lie to Congress.
Giuliani attempted to throw Cohen under the bus, calling it his project, not Trump's, and making the ridiculous assertion that “was the last thing on Trump's mind” because he was too busy running for president. When Tapper tried to pin Giuliani down on exactly what Trump did and did not know about the project, Giuliani went after BuzzFeed, calling them "fake news," but also admitted that Trump very well may have talked to Michael Cohen about his testimony before Congress.
TAPPER: Did president Trump or anyone on the Trump team talk to Michael Cohen about his congressional testimony before he gave Congressional testimony or after he gave Congressional testimony?
GIULIANI: I can tell you, first of all, I wasn't the lawyer at the time.
TAPPER: Right.
GIULIANI: Michael Cohen's lawyers reviewed his testimony with him.
TAPPER: Yeah, but did they --
GIULIANI: I'm sure they (crosstalk) let me answer the question.
GIULIANI: As far as I know, president Trump did not have discussions with him. Certainly had no discussions with him in which he told him or counseled him to lie. If he had any discussions with him, they'd be about the version of the events that Michael Cohen gave them, which they all believed was true. I believed it was true. I still believe it may be true, because unlike these people who want to just believe him, I believe Michael Cohen is a serial liar.
If you can figure out when Michael Cohen is telling the truth, you're better than I am, Jake. And that's what happened to BuzzFeed. They bought a totally phony story. They weren't going to buy it unless they got some phony stuff about federal agents and then they went with it because they are the same ones who published the Steele dossier when no one else would do it. You obviously have a hatred for the president.
TAPPER: But you just acknowledged that it's possible that president Trump talked to Michael Cohen about his testimony --
GIULIANI: Which would be perfectly normal! Which the president believed was true!
TAPPER: So it's possible that that happened, that president trump talked to Michael Cohen about his testimony?
GIULIANI: I don't know if it happened or didn't happen. And it might be attorney/client privilege if it happened, where I can't acknowledge it. But I have no knowledge that he spoke to him. But I'm telling you, I wasn't there then, so it's not significant because the version he gave to the --
TAPPER: But he's convicted of – one of the things he plead guilty to, I believe, is lying to congress about the Trump Tower deal.
GIULIANI: Which time? Which time, Jake? You can pick your time.
TAPPER: Right, but about the Trump Tower deal.
GIULIANI: But he's pleading guilty to get a reduced sentence which means he's saying what the prosecutor wants him to say.
TAPPER: You just acknowledged that president Trump may have talked to him about his testimony.
GIULIANI: And so what if he talked to him about it.
TAPPER: Is it not possible that Michael Cohen --
GIULIANI: If it's the truth.
TAPPER: Michael Cohen had the conversation – and I'm just asking you what happened or didn't happen.
GIULIANI: It's not possible.
TAPPER: … that Michael Cohen left the conversation thinking, well this is what the boss wants me to say. The boss wants --
GIULIANI: Not possible. The guy driving this testimony was Michael Cohen. In other words, you and I are in a deal together. You are the guy running it. I'm the guy sitting back there doing 50 other things. When it comes time to remember what happens, I go to you and you tell me what happened. I don't tell you what happened. So Michael Cohen was telling people what happened. I don't know if the president was briefed by him or wasn't. He certainly was briefed by his lawyers. All attorney/client privilege but I can tell you this, Michael Cohen's lawyers believed him at the time.
GIULIANI: Why wouldn't the president believe him?
So Giuliani moves the goalposts once again. He also admitted that he was leaked the details of the deal that prosecutors offered to Jerome Corsi.
The best thing Rudy could do for Trump right now is to stay away from the cameras.