Lou Dobbs Confesses: It 'Makes Him Nuts' To See Pelosi Take A Victory Lap
Lou Dobbs confessed his bitterness to Baptist 'Pastor' Robert Jeffress Friday night. We thought the part about the beer and the Cadillac convertible was precious.
Poor Lou Dobbs. Cast adrift on Pity River, filling it with his misty misogynist tears, who can he turn to? Well, Robert Jeffress of course. Lou is having a tough, tough time with Nancy Pelosi winning this round.
No wall. No win. Just the empty, hollow thought that his man-hero was bested by a woman.
Pretty delicious, isn't it?
Confessing to Robert Jeffress, the "pastor" from Baptist hypocrite hell, Dobbs turned to his clergyman and whined, "It just makes me nuts to watch Nancy Pelosi drive around in that fancy Cadillac convertible in a victory lap along with Chuck Schumer in the back drinking beer."
Sneer and voice rising, he confessed, "It's terrible to watch! We're headed into some really tough stuff."
Oh, Lou. You poor thing. Just hang it up now, because here's what's going to happen, regardless of how your "pastor" pets you and tells you everything is gonna be all right.
Here we go: Negotiations will begin. Trump will appropriate all of the Democratic concessions on border security, bundle them up in a bow, agree to them, and call it a wall. Nancy will invite him to give his State of the Union address somewhere east of February 15, like say, around the 18th or so.
She understands, better than Lou Dobbs does, why this strategy will work. Donald Trump will get the spotlight he craves, and actually have at least one thing he can crow about doing over the last year. As it was, his SOTU was going to have to be that the State of the Union is a dismal failure.
When he finally steps into the well of the House, he will be able to say that he made a deal on the wall, at least. Hopefully they'll raise the debt ceiling as part of the negotiation too, but one thing is sure: A deal WILL be done.