Matt Schlapp Blames Federal Workers For Shutdown Consequences

Trump is paying a political price for his government shutdown, and Trump toadie Matt Schlapp blames the federal workforce. All I can say is Matt Schlapp is a piece of crap.

Earlier today on Mornings With Maria, professional liar and WH surrogate Matt Schlapp was in fine form.

Defending Trump's tantrum that shut the government down for over a month, Schlapp odiously claimed that federal workers have agreed to government shutdowns before. He also claimed that "not being paid" was one of the job hazards of simply being employed by the government.

You heard that right. What crock of sh*t.

Fox News always introduces him as being part of CPAC, but never divulges that his wife works in the Trump administration. Of course, he's got many incentives to lie, cheat and steal for Donald.

Schlapp and Bartiromo (h/t Media Matters) , made believe Trump didn't cave against Speaker Pelosi. They then comforted themselves with the lie that the American people support Trump for shutting down the government over immigration and the wall.

Polls differ.

But then Schlapp topped himself so badly, that FBN's Dagen McDowell pushed back against his idiocy, hard.

Schlapp said, "Democrats who are against border security - they're going to be sorry for this eventually."

Dagen McDowell said, "TSA agents in Raleigh were going to food banks because they were spending what little money they have on gas trying to get to and from work."

Maria admitted there's real impact from Trump's shutdown.

Then Matt jumped in to recite one the most despicable monologues against federal workers I've heard in a while.

Schlapp said, "If you're a federal employee in this town, let's face it, you make a little bit of a bargain. Yes, every year, you might have to go through a shutdown with your salary."

This is a blatant lie. Federal employees don't make any bargains to work for free. When did you come up with that bullsh*t talking point? government shutdowns were far and few between and have become now a staple in conservative politics, but no federal employee signs up for that.

He continued, "But, you know the other thing, Maria, that we don't talk about? It's almost impossible to fire a federal employee. There are some pretty cushy gigs in this town where you basically have an insurance policy against ever getting fired unless you do something just awful."

What does that have to do with anything, you ignorant slut? (Thanks, Dan Aykroyd!)

There is a place in hell for people like Matt Schlapp.

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