Mike Pence Kneels Before Boss Limbaugh: 'We Don't Thank You Enough'

As we approach the end of the third week of the government shutdown, Mike Pence kneels before Rush Limbaugh. "A bishop talking to his pope," Chris Matthews observed.

Earlier today, the Vice President of the United States donned his cassock, picked up his telephone, and called into Rush Limbaugh's show so he could publicly kiss the ring of the man squeezing Donald Trump in a wall vise.

"We couldn't be more grateful for your voice on the airwaves of America every day," Pence gushed. "Everything we've accomplished over the last two years: our economy, setting a record for conservatives appointed to our courts, America's growing at home, we're standing tall on the world stage."

(Cue soaring music)

"Rush, we don't thank you enough," he said reverently. "But thank you for all that you've meant to this movement and the progress we've made in this country."

Clearly this was where he genuflected. Or something.

Chris Matthews summed it up well: "I think that was a bishop talking to his pope."

Okay, so here's the context. This was the lead to a discussion about how Republicans were completely ready to pass the necessary appropriations to keep the government open and continue discussions about border security after the new Congress was sworn in. Until Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter pitched a fit, prompting Fox News to step up and put the pressure on, big time.

Now we have Lindsey Graham saying that if Republicans cave on this, it'll be the end of the party. Based on that shameful suckup Pence performance, that party absolutely should be dead with a stake driven through its heart and garlic shoved in its mouth before cremation. I don't know how Trump and his party get out of this, but it's likely they're going to be dead one way or the other anyway.

But sure, Mike Pence. Keep bowing and scraping before El Rushbo. That'll get you points.

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