'Pastor' Robert Jeffress Warns Pope Francis He's Probably Going To Hell

After Pope Francis lobbed a mild criticism of the whole wall concept at anyone with ears to hear, "Pastor" Robert Jeffress gave the Pope a sermon filled with hellfire.

Historically, Baptists don't think much of Catholics. Especially Southern Baptists, who were just as likely to view them as hellfire fodder as Christians. Robert Jeffress is apparently no exception. He got his dander up when Pope Francis suggested Catholic young people should be building bridges, not walls.

Lou Dobbs and "Pastor" Jeffress did not like that one bit. Not one bit. Lou was seething with emotion already from the terrible day he's had, what with the arrest of Roger Stone and Trump's cave on the wall and all. So, loaded for bear, he asked Jeffress what was up with Pope Francis and how dare Pope Francis comment on U.S. politics, after all?

Jeffress, toady that he is, had a sermon ready for the Pope. The way I hear it, it's a veiled message that the Pope who cares for the children, the sick, the elderly and the infirm (though imperfectly for sure) is heading for hell, while Sirs Righteous are sliding into the Heavenly Door in the Heavenly Wall.

"Listen, until the pope is willing to tear down the walls around the Vatican and unlock the doors inside of the Vatican, the pope has zero credibility," said Jeffress.

He repeated, "Let me say that again. the Pope has zero credibility to lecture Donald Trump or any other American about the morality of walls."

Oh. Thank you for that, Mr. Prosperity Guy.

"The Pope did get one thing right in his comment," Jeffress continued. "He said walls divide people and that's right."

But, he warned, "God is going to divide people one day. The Bible says in Revelation 21 God is going to divide the righteous from the unrighteous. and only the righteous will be allowed inside the wall of heaven. The rest will be outside the wall of heaven for all eternity."

So is Jeffress saying the Pope is going to hell? Or is he saying that our wall is like the wall of heaven, keeping the unrighteous out? Either way, it's just more Baptist BS, brought to you by the prosperity preacher Grifty McJeffress.

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