Pelosi Mocks Trump: Maybe He Thinks Workers Can Just 'Ask Their Father For More Money'

After Trump walked out on Democrats Wednesday afternoon, Nancy Pelosi reminded viewers that real people are suffering real harm because of his stubborn need to hold them hostage for a wasteful wall.

Donald Trump just walked out on a "negotiation" with Democratic leaders in what appears to be a staged stunt to pretend he cares about reopening government.

After the walkout, leaders stepped to the microphone for comment. First up: Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who placed the entitled, spoiled child named Donald Trump in the proper frame.

"Our meeting did not last long," Pelosi told reporters, "But it is so sad that in a matter of hours, or just a few days, many people, federal workers, will not be receiving their paychecks."

She then ticked off all of the prices workers will pay for Trump's petulant fury: Downgraded credit ratings, paying their mortgages, their car payment, and everything else people depend on their wages to cover.

"The president thinks maybe they could just ask their father for more money, but they can't," she continued, dropping the hammer on Trump.

"I will say this, if you don't understand the income insecurity, then you would have a policy that takes pride in saying I'm going to keep government shut down for months or years unless you totally agree to my position."

That sums it up nicely. After Chuck Schumer and Steny Hoyer commented, Republicans trotted out Mike Pence, Kevin McCarthy, Kirstjen Nielsen and more to waggle their fingers on behalf of the Child-in-Chief, but none of that changes the fact that this shutdown belongs to Donald Trump and Donald Trump alone. When all of those workers suffer the consequences for his arrogance and uncaring attitude toward millions (yes, those 800,000 have families who depend on them, so MILLIONS), maybe Fox News could give the guy a break and stop holding him to that stupid wall.

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