What, Rudy?: 'I Never Said There Was No Collusion Between The Campaign And Russians'
Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani made an appearance on CNN with Chris Cuomo tonight to insist that Donald Trump did not collude but maybe campaign people did and besides, what about Peter Strzok and Lisa Page?
Every time Rudy Giuliani makes one of these fevered appearances he yanks the goal posts out of the ground, looks around, takes a few steps willy-nilly, and plants them back in the ground. Until next time.
Tonight, we were treated to this episode of "Rudy Giuliani is really very bad at his job."
During a back and forth with Chris Cuomo in which Cuomo has the opportunity to play Serious Journalist while clapping Rudy on the back and calling him Rudy, we were first treated to yet another rant about Lisa Page and Peter Strzok, as if over half the country doesn't hate Donald Trump with the heat of 10000 suns. Like me. I'm one of those people.
In a Very Serious Journalist moment, Cuomo tried to pull Rudy back on track and out of his rant by pointing out that "false reporting" is many things, including "saying that nobody in the campaign had any contacts with Russia."
He continued, "False reporting is saying that there has been no suggestion of any kind of collusion between the campaign and any Russians, because now you have Paul Manafort giving poll data that winds up leading to this coincidence --"
And that was as far as he got, because Rudy had a counterpoint.
"I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign," Rudy insisted. "I said the President of the United States."
Oh! Well, it's true that he did say that, but that was only after he had to clean up his "collusion is not a crime" mess after saying for months that there was no collusion at all.
Warming up, Rudy's voice rose. "There is not a single bit of evidence the President of the United States committed the only crime you could commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC."
That sound you hear is the goalposts being ripped out of the ground and dragged far away, because that is clearly NOT the only crime, as Chris Cuomo was trying to point out when he could get a word in edgewise.
We'll just keep this video as a record for where the goalposts sit right now, because we're sure someone else will move them.
After all, when "truth isn't truth," that's the "get out of jail free" card that keeps on giving.