Chris Wallace Blasts GOP Hypocrisy On House Investigations

'Elections Have Consequences': The Fox News Sunday host chided Republicans for their faux outrage now that Democrats are now investigating Trump and his administration since retaking the House, saying he finds it "rich."

Fox News Sunday' Chris Wallace chided Republicans for their faux outrage and constant whining, now that Democrats are investigating Trump and his administration.

Wallace joined America's Newsroom's co-host Bill Hemmer on Friday to discuss the Green New Deal and the Whitaker hearing.

Chris wasn't on long before he lowered the boom on the incessant whine coming from Fox News and Republicans in Congress over Trump being investigated.

Wallace said, "I do find it kind of rich that Republicans are so outraged that there would be this kind of a hearing of the other party’s president and administration.”

“It’s not like Republicans sat on their hands when Barack Obama was president. They investigated Benghazi, they investigated ‘Fast and Furious,’ they investigated the IRS. and look. Sometimes they found some things sometimes they didn't find things, but that's part of oversight," he said.

Wallace continued, "As Barack Obama famously said, ‘Elections have consequences. When Republicans are, have oversight of a branch of Congress and they’re investigating a Democratic president, they’re going to make life difficult for them and now Democrats are in control of the House -- they are going to make life difficult for members of the Trump administration."

"That’s the way it works.”

Hemmer agreed, "You're precisely right about that."

The two discussed some of Whitaker's testimony and Wallace finished saying, "It is in the nature of the beast when one party controls the House. they are going to make life difficult, make people sweat within the administration of the other party."

Chris Wallace didn't mention that when the Republican Party is in charge of the House they do little else BUT investigate the Democratic White House.

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