Rep. Lynch: 'Your Side Ran Away From The Truth' We're Bringing It 'To The American People'

Rep. Lynch set the record straight about Republicans' unwillingness to interview any of the convicted felons attached to TRump's campaign when they were in charge.

During the Michael Cohen hearing, Rep. Hice (R-GA) complained that the Democrats were trying to impugn Trump and the committee lost its credibility, but Rep. Lynch (D-MA) pointed his finger and hit Republicans with a much needed truth bomb.

After calling Cohen an unreliable liar, Rep. Hice from Georgia then attacked the committee itself.

"We've brought this committee to its knees in terms of losing its credibility and it's a shameful mockery of what our purpose is," Hice said.

I thought he was talking about Devin Nunes' actions with his Intelligence Committee. My bad.

Rep. Lynch stepped up and shamed the former pastor to the depths of his soul. (I'm purposely being overwrought.)

Rep. Lynch said, "Let me just pick up on those last comments. Want to talk about a low point? How about Mr. Papadopoulos pled guilty, Mr. Manafort convicted, pled guilty to two other charge, Mr. Gates pled guilty, Mr. Flynn pled guilty, Mr. Pinedo pled guilty, Mr. Van Der Zwaan pled guilty, Mr. Kilimnik indicted for obstruction of justice..."

He continued, "And for two years––you want to talk about an agenda, my friends on the other side of the aisle refused to bring any of these people up before the committee. So today for the first day we have one witness who voluntarily is coming forward to testify. Your side ran away from the truth and we’re trying to bring it to the American people!”

And so they did.

Republicans in the House have acted like Trump's personal lawyers when they held the HOUSE and American had enough of their obstruction.

Republicans like Gym Jordan not only ran away from the truth, they covered it up as best they could.

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