Sarah Lies Again: 'Trump Is First To Denounce Violence Against Journos'

Trump still hasn't acknowledged the terrorist plot to murder Democrats and journalists by a Lieutenant in the Coast Guard. He also calls reporters the "enemy of the people." Sarah Sanders is full of it.

After a terrorist plot targeting left-wing politicians and journalists was thwarted, Sarah Huckabee Sanders pathologically lied to the press Friday morning, saying Trump is usually the first one to denounce violence against journalists or "anyone else."

White Nationalist Christopher Paul Hasson, a Coast Guard Lieutenant, (and not your garden variety nutcase) plotted to assassinate Democrats and left-wing journalists. Trump hasn't mentioned or tweeted about this story once.

Not even one tweet saying he denounces violence of any kind.

Donald's focused on Jessie Smollett, the witch hunt, the wall, Adam Schiff and attacking California.

A reporter asked Sarah about this.

“He was planning a plot against Democrats, against journalists. The president has tweeted the media is the enemy of the people. Is there any plan for the president to maybe tone down his rhetoric? Do you think this contributes to these sorts of extremists getting these ideas?”

Sarah replied, “I certainly don’t think that. The president -- at any point has done anything but condemn violence, against journalists or anyone else. In fact, every single time something like this happens, the president is typically one of the first people to condemn the violence, and the media is the first people to blame the president.”

She continued, "That's why every time it's come up we've been constant and repeatedly said we condemn violence of all forms."

Except when some very fine neo-Nazis are involved, right Sarah?

Christopher Paul Hasson was no joke since "according to prosecutors," Hasson was a student of Anders Breivik, the white supremacist who slaughtered 77 people in Norway.

On his hit list were the names of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Scarborough, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Senator Richard Blumenthal as well as Chris Cuomo, Ari Melber and Van Jones, among others.

Trump does respond when someone commits acts of terror on the left, but he does so kicking and screaming.

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