Stable Genius On His Way To De-Stabilize Asia

They do not have their act together over at Casa Stable Genius, AKA The Trump White House. Sad!

Comrade Trump and Chairman Kim are gonna meet in Hanoi to discuss denuclearization. Can you say denuclearization? I knew you could! Comrade Trump can’t.

So what does denuclearization even mean? You’d be surprised to learn OPINIONS DIFFER!

  • Prznint Stupid thinks it means North Korea gives up its nuclear weapons.
  • Kim thinks it means the U.S. removes all its nuclear weapons from South Korea and from ships and submarines in the surrounding waters.

The gubmints of South Korea and Japan depend on the US to defend them, not only from North Korea, but also from China, so they don’t like this convo at all, because they suspect that Trump will do whatever Putin wants. If Prznint Stupid agrees to Kim’s definition of denuclearization (you know, maybe in his quest to do something/anything/everything to win a Nobel Prize to PWN OBAMA!!1!), then watch a nuclear arms race ensue, and the entire region to fall into chaos. Putin’s grin will be visible from the Space Station.

BTW, above, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo contradicted his boss Prznint Stupid on whether North Korea poses a nuclear menace, then swiftly denied that there was any divergence in their views, so we got that workin’ for us, too, as the dictators’ play date approaches (Wednesday/Thursday).

crossposted from Mock Paper Scissors

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