Trump Has To 'Study' Bipartisan Spending Deal

Trump hemmed and hawed about the new deal struck in Congress to keep the federal government open, saying he needed to 'study' it. And by "study" he means check Coulter's twitter stream and listen to Limbaugh. Weak!

Donald Trump told the press today that he's not happy about the new bipartisan deal that was struck in Congress to keep the government open but said he needed to still study it.

When you hear Trump say has to study - doesn't that make you wanna laugh?

While speaking to the media at the Oval Office Trump said, “I have to study it. I’m not happy about it. It’s not doing the trick, but I’m adding things to it.”

Last night Congress approved the deal that sends monies to the border in exchange to keep the government open and immediately President #2, Sean Hannity attacked it by saying it was a "garbage compromise."

This morning Rush Limbaugh made believe he had no sway over Trump and mocked the media for focusing on his opinion, but after the talk show host bashed the original Congressional deal that the White House approved last December, Trump was sending text messages to Limbaugh, kowtowing to his complaints.

This, of course, led to the longest federal government shutdown in American history.

During the press spray, Trump blamed bad architecture for making past border walls look so ugly -- they were not as popular as they could have been.

Republicans in Congress will not put up with another government shutdown over funding for Trump's pet project from all the reporting I've seen so he's had to continue to lie about what is actually going on South of the border.

“I will add whatever I have to add. It’s all going to happen. We are going to build a beautiful, big, strong wall that’s not going to let criminals and traffickers and drug dealers and drugs get into our country. It’s very simple. We are building a wall.”

Trump's new refrain is "we are finishing a wall."

Donald reiterated that he was "not happy" at first glance at the deal but "he's thrilled" where we are headed.

Turd polishing seems to be the only work he actually does these days, then it's back to "executive time" with his TV, phone, and fast food.

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