Liar-In-Chief Calls Fact-Checkers 'Dishonest People'
Standing in front of "Finish the Wall" signs, Trump attacked 'fact-checkers' at his El Paso rally.
Donald Trump continued his assault on the American free press by insisting that "fact checkers" are some of the most dishonest people in the media.
We can't wait to see how many "Pinnochios" The Washington Post gives that one!
[The Washington Post Fact-Checker's "Pinocchios," used to illustrate levels of lying. They are now using the term "bottomless Pinocchios" for lies Trump re-tells repeatedly.]
Like all autocratic rulers, Trump believes he should never be questioned by the people he rules, including any media or press outlets.
While he was preening for his Texas rallygoers Monday night, Trump attacked President Obama for misstating a part of Obamacare and said, "Hey, where are the fact checkers? You know, some of the most dishonest people in media are the so-called ‘fact-checkers.'"
That's another bald-faced lie. Fact-checkers did hold Obama accountable, and "you can keep your doctor" was Politifact's Lie of the Year for 2013.
But Obama never attacked the fact-checkers for doing their jobs, because he was a reality-based president. Kellyanne Conway and Trump use alternative facts to lie and gaslight our country on a daily basis.
This latest round of attacking the fact-checkers was instigated by Fox News adulterer Jesse Watters, who took issue with a segment on Vox and used it to disparage every fact-checker working in the media today.
Trump's constant attacks on our media have inspired authoritarian rulers in other countries to attack their own press more vigorously than ever. He's hurting the world.