Donald Trump: Airplanes Are Too Complicated To Fly

If planes are too complex, Who is Trump planning to use for his Space Force? Model rockets armed with firecrackers?

Trump, the nation's foremost aviation expert tweeted that he wants simple airplanes to be flown again from simpler times.

He must be opining on this topic after the terrible crash in Ethiopia of the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft. And he may also be panicked, CNN reports, as he just oversaw the sale of 100 of these planes while in Hanoi for a summit with Kim Jong Un.

By the way, the Boeing 737 MAX aircraft is not an airplane but a monstrous jet.

Will Trump supporters now cancel their airline tickets since Herr Leader has proclaimed all planes are too complicated to fly?


Earlier today, Fox and Friends asked a former FAA spokesmen if he would fly on one of these planes in America and he said "yes," but that's what may have caused Trump to dream about a bygone era.

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