Eric Boehlert Blasts The Media For Blindly Accepting Word Of Trump Administration Official

ShareBlue's Eric Boehlert gives our corporate media and DC press an earful on the completely irresponsible and reckless coverage following the release of the so-called "Barr report."

As we've already discussed here, William Barr did some "impressive gymnastics to avoid arresting Trump," and our completely irresponsible media immediately began parroting Trump administration talking points that the yet to be released Mueller report somehow "exonerates" Trump, making sure the damage is already done by the time anyone finally gets to see what's actually in it.

While discussing some of the initial reporting on this Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, ShareBlue's Eric Boehlert gave our corporate media and DC press a much needed scolding for just blindly taking the word of these known liars and helping them cover up what's actually in the report:

BOEHLERT: Yeah, I mean, the only really accurate headline would have been Trump's Attorney General claims Mueller report clears the president. I didn't really see that headline anywhere.

I thought the coverage was kind of reckless and dangerous. I mean, you know, we had journalists blindly accepting the word of a Trump administration official. This is a Trump that has lied about everything for two years, and specifically an Attorney General who was put in that position because he had telegraphed to Trump you will never be indicted for obstruction of justice if I am Attorney General.

That is his job literally. And so lo and behold we get this Barr press relise that says, oh, no obstruction of justice and everyone runs with it. The New York Times says this was a powerful boost for Trump and his re-election and things like that.

I mean, can you imagine if Janet Reno put out a four-page statement on the Starr report during the Clinton '90s and said, oh, you know, everything is fine. I'm going to put this in lock and key. I might release it in a month. The New York Times would have published their own articles of impeachment and the newsroom would have marched it up to the steps of the capital.

This was really reckless, I think and, quickly, it continued through the week where the press kind of pretended they read the Mueller report. You know, the Mueller report is out, the Mueller report confirms.

No one had read it. On a scale of one to ten, Trump burying the Mueller report was basically a two for a lot of the D.C. Press. This was the most important government report, probably in the last 25 years and no one has read it yet.

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