Fox And Friends: There Have Been Allegations Ocasio Cortez Is A 'Manchurian Candidate'

The father of Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might be a Manchurian Candidate.

The stupid, it hurts.

On this morning's Fox and Friends, Sarah Huckabee Sanders' father claimed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might be a "Manchurian candidate," and co-host Brian Kilmeade said there were "forces helping her" write questions for Wilbur Ross' and the Michael Cohen hearing and it should be investigated.

After discussing her apparent shortcomings, Kilmeade said, "Somebody's writing her questions. I saw the questions at Michael Cohen and saw the questions at Wilbur Ross. And there is some forces behind her. I think there's a story there."

Yes, the story is she has staff research the issues covered in commitee, just like every competent representative.

Mike Huckabee said, "Well, there very well could be. I know there has been some allegations she that was almost like the Manchurian Candidate, recruited, prepared. You know, I don't know. But the point is that she got her voters out.

The Manchurian Candidate is about a soldier being brainwashed by the Koreans and Communists to murder the president so the evil Angela Lansbury's husband could rule the country.

For Kilmeade, being well prepared and tough during a House Committee hearing sounds an awful lot like a QAnon conspiracy that needs to be looked into.

Having staffers help a Congressperson to prepare for an upcoming hearing is now illegal if it makes a left wing politician look very smart.

AOC responded on Twitter, noting that yes, she even pays people to prep her for committee questioning. Where's the next scandal?

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