Is Fox News Going To Ditch Being 'Trump TV'?
The profit window for being "state-run media" is closing. Rupert Murdoch's son will put profits before politics, even with Trump.
Is Fox Corporation chairman and C.E.O. Lachlan Murdoch going to make the necessary changes to Fox News and pivot away from acting like a state-sponsored propaganda arm for Donald Trump?
Vanity Fair's investigative reporting wunderkind Gabriel Sherman tells us that Lachlan Murdoch is no fan of Trump and wants to move away from being his state-sponsored propaganda network.
Sources close to Lachlan pointed out that Lachlan is a libertarian conservative, not a MAGA diehard, who in private has expressed annoyance at Trump. “He doesn’t like Trump,” one person who has spoken with Lachlan told me. “There’s a lot of talk of the direction of the network changing under Lachlan,” the senior Fox staffer told me.
Now that doesn't mean Fox News and Fox Business will become actually "fair and balanced' obviously, but it would anger Donald to no end since he can't take even the slightest criticism from hosts like @ArthelNeville, Cactus Wretch's rule the entire network. Real news people don't want to work for MAGA wearing Stepford Wives of Trump.
Fox journalists, bristling at being branded an arm of the Trump White House, are lobbying Fox News C.E.O. Suzanne Scott and President Jay Wallace to rein in Fox & Friends, Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs and Pirro. “Reporters are telling management that we’re being defined by the worst people on our air,” a frustrated senior Fox staffer told me. Fox’s opinion hosts, meanwhile, have made the case that Fox’s prime-time lineup not only reflects the audience’s worldview, but is responsible for the majority of the network’s advertising revenue. “We make the money,” an anchor close to Hannity told me.
It's no shock that, as Sherman reports, Hannity told Trump the new regime was out to get him.
The damage that Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes' creation has done to America has been monumental and under Trump, it has been nothing short of state-sponsored agitprop.