Fox News Host Kennedy Just Can't Quit Hillary Clinton

Here's an example of a Fox News host having a complete mental breakdown from Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

Last Friday on Outnumbered, host Kennedy demonstrated a classic case of Clinton Derangement Syndrome.

She constantly interrupted guest Robert Wolf and went into a lengthy monologue regarding Hillary Clinton.

The big red-meat, red state distraction against the Mueller investigation is that Hillary Clinton should still be investigated over her email server.

Guys, Robert Mueller IS investigating Hillary's emails, particularly those involved with the DNC hack:

...investigating that they were stolen by the Russians
...investigating that the Trump campaign was offered a release of them to hurt the Clinton campaign.
...investigating that that Don Jr. said he would "love it" especially later in the Fall.

In fact, investigating every little thing about Hillary's emails and how an (alleged!) conspiracy between the Russian government and the Trump campaign swung the election.

Kennedy, who has become a on-air troll more and more in her appearances (even if she criticizes Trump once in a while) has become the epitome of stupid, using Hillary Clinton as a wedge to blunt Mueller's special counsel.

Wolf responded to Lindsey Graham opposing a House resolution to make Mueller's investigation public, saying his actions were "ridiculous."

Harris, who earlier admitted that it was the email server investigation that sunk her presidential campaign intimated that Wolf was dodging the question of another wide look at further investigations of the FBI and all parties.

Wolf replied, "I have no issue of the FBI and is part of Justice feels that they have to investigate what happened with the servers while she was Secretary of State, then they should do that."

Then he made an apparent cardinal sin which will send him to hell for all eternity.

He continued, "To me it's very much yesterday's news, but I know that people here don't think that."

Kennedy replied, "That's a talking point."

Wolf, "No, I do think it's yesterday's news."

Kennedy, "Still a talking point."

Say, what? Fox News is littered with talking points devised by the White House to defend Trump on almost every show.

Wolf tried to explain it was his opinion and then Kennedy flew off the handle.

Kennedy flipped and mocked Wolf, "SHE DIDN"T WIN and therefore we don't need to investigate."

Kennedy then went into a rant by answering herself, "That is not true she was almost president of the United States."

He tried to say a word, but she steamrolled him by interjecting many conspiracies Devin Nunes promoted as Trump's lackey.

She said, "All of the elements here that have gone awry are unacceptable," and then continued rambling on.

Harris tried to intercede, "Let's give Robert a chance to respond."

Robert replied, "I know you like pointing and yelling at me, but -- "

Kennedy continued to claim that the FBI members investigating her wanted to get jobs in HRC's administration.

Kennedy should be thanking and praising the FBI and James Comey for handing Trump the presidency when they constantly broke decades-old protocols, but when you're dealing with someone stricken with Clinton Derangement Syndrome, there is no cure.

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