Fox News Pretends Republicans Didn't Abuse Investigations Against Hillary Clinton

To Conservatives, endlessly investigating Democrats is just and good, but when it comes to Republicans, it's called abuse.

Fox News complained all day about new investigations into Trump, calling them all political, but the Outnumbered panel made believe Republicans were absolutely justified in holding eight separate hearings into Benghazi against HRC, until Marie Harf smacked them down.

"By the EIGHTH investigation -- when all the questions that had been answered, by the eighth investigation, I think they were doing it for political purposes,' she said. "By the eighth investigation, yes I do," Harf replied again with anger in her voice. The conservatives had no answer to that except to ask why she was identifying as a member of the Democratic party which caused her to look somewhat bewildered, but more on that later.

Brian Kilmeade was the #OneLuckyGuy today and, as usual, blasted the House Democrats for actually upholding their promise to voters who elected them in a Blue Wave to investigate Trump.

Marie Harf, the lone Democratic panel member, was excellent throughout, and responded to every ludicrous proposal the other panel members made. You know, like trying to warn Dems they were overreaching that would ultimately hurt themselves, especially on impeachment.

Harf said that Republicans admitted in 2016, they had two years worth of investigations lined up against Hillary Clinton if she had won the election. (IOKIYAR)

Harf highlighted the checks Trump wrote (and lied about to Michael Cohen) as evidence that needs to be investigated.

Melissa Francis explained that even though she doesn't agree, Democrats won a big election and they have the right to hold investigations and "This is just how our system" is.

Kennedy has always made sure to bash and smear every Democrat that comes into the public light, shedding her libertarian label in the process. Unserious, she said, "If Democrats hated what Republicans did so much with investigations and Benghazi and going after Hillary, why are they doing same thing?"

This is a meaningless analogy, of course, but Harf answered it correctly. "It's not the same thing. We believe here there are real issues that have not been looked into -- "

Now came the faux outrage over Benghazi

Melissa gasped, "You don't think the Republicans believe there were real issues in Benghazi? Really?"

Of course everybody wanted to know what happened there, including Harf, since she worked in the State Department at the time. After Marie flattened them out with her powerful rebuke over Benghazi, (by the eight investigation) co-host Harris Faulkner acted surprised that Marie Harf identified with the Democratic party. (Even though she is a Democrat)

Harris: "I've never heard you talk in the collective "we."

Marie asked, "A Democrat?"

Harris replied, "Yes, you always say you don't represent every other Democrat, but you feel like you do on this issue?"

What does that mean? Seriously, Harris. A sad attempt to change the subject and get her flummoxed.

Marie replied, "I feel like I represent Democrats on this couch, yeah." She continued, "Yes, I feel like my job is to bring forward the perspective from the party I love to be a part of, Yes.

Harris made believe the investigations were the uniting force for Democrats, but Harf replied, "Donald Trump is uniting issue for Democrats."


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