Gov. Inslee Swats Down Meghan McCain's Wingnut BS On Green New Deal

Presidential hopeful, Washington Governor Jay Inslee easily explained the aspirations of the Green New Deal, batting away McCain's nonsensical fear-mongering propaganda.

Democratic presidential hopeful Governor Jay Inslee joined ABC's The View today, and as expected, showed he's a politician who knows what he's talking about when it comes to climate change and the aspirations of the Green New Deal. He easily debunked Meghan McCain's right-wing talking points around the Green New Deal, including all the made-up costs and effects. He then explained that American innovation is the ultimate solution.

At times it is easy to forget that Meghan McCain is a conservative activist, because she so frequently attacks Trump and many of the freaks that we saw at CPAC, who take pleasure in attacking her recently departed father. On Monday, she showed us why she is a movement conservative. She had her chance to interview Washington's governor and immediately denigrated the importance of climate change and global warming as a whole.

She doesn't believe that issue alone, along with the Green New Deal will beat Trump. It didn't occur to her that just because it is his signature issue, doesn't mean he can't take apart the Narcissist-in-Charge on every other issue that comes before him.

Meghan immediately turned to the wingnut talking points from the conservative think tank, American Action Forum, which has somehow determined the cost of the deal would be up to $94 trillion, even though there is no legislation or actual bill put forth at this time.

Splinter explained how ridiculous even just the federal jobs guarantee portion of their GND estimate is:

Yes, you’re reading that right: their [American Action Forum's] ballpark estimate on a federal jobs guarantee has a range of $38 trillion. The centrist Brookings Institution’s estimate last year, by the way, put the high end on a job guarantee at $543 billion a year, or $5.4 trillion over 10 years.

Yet, McCain opened up saying, "The Green New Deal would cost $93 trillion or, to every person in this room, $600,000 for each of your households. Do you think that plan, thank you, is practical, or have you endorsed it, or do you have another option? When I hear that an average American is going to have to spend $600,000 for a Green New Deal, you can understand how people like me don’t think that’s logical?”

Inslee replied, "“Well, this is a lot like the death panels you heard about in ObamaCare, Republicans talked about death panels. We don’t have death panels and we don’t have $600,000 costs.” He also astutely observed that we're finally talking about climate change.

Meghan continued to complain about how irrational it sounded. She continued reading from a bogus study, "We’re talking about $51 trillion, the elimination of planes, the elimination of cows, a railway, no planes, I guess nobody can go to Hawaii anymore? -- It doesn’t sound that rational to me.”

Inslee clapped back, “It isn't rational because those are the things that Donald Trump said.” He continued, promising, "We are not going to eliminate cars. We are not going to eliminate trains. We’re going to have what I have in my driveway today which is a blue GM Bolt made in Michigan with American workers. We are gonna have televisions powered by solar and wind energy.”

He touted bio-fuels and said, "When we think of our opportunities here, we can't be so narrow minded. I grew up in the time of rotary phones and now we got cell phones.”

American ingenuity and innovation. Ever hear of that, Meghan?

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