Hannity Screaming For More Hillary Clinton Investigations

Sean Hannity and other Trump surrogates can't let Hillary go, part infinity.

Sean Hannity claims his sources [Trump?] are telling him all his conspiracy theories about the FBI's deep state (out to get Trump and exonerate Clinton over her private email server) are about to be investigated.

Post William Barr's bogus summary whitewash of Robert Mueller's twenty-two month investigation, the orgasm of faux outrage by Trump's usual cohorts of propagandists is insufferable enough, but now Republicans are out for revenge. Their ire is aimed at Chairman Adam Schiff and of course, Hillary Clinton.

Hannity is the master of faux outrage, and in a lengthy monologue of rehashed nonsense he's been peddling for over a year now, (does he ever take a breath?) he told his dupes that, "My sources are telling me it's all about to come cascading down."

Republicans in Congress spent almost four years of investigation after investigation into Benghazi, and with the help of James Comey, they finally impeached Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. Where's the media's outrage over that?

Lie after lie was told by Rep. Gym Jordan, Trey Gowdy and every Republican on the Hill during this time, but now they still want more blood.

Hannity said, "This is now time that we get the justice that we deserve. This is now time for those that abuse the power that you gave them, their day of reckoning must now come, or else this will happen again. My sources are telling me it's all about to come cascading down."

He continued, "This all started when they rigged the investigation into Hillary's email scandal. There was clear, compelling, incontrovertible evidence that in fact she mishandled top-secret, classified information on a private server that we believe six foreign intelligence agencies broke into. There was clear evidence."

That is a flat-out lie. Hannity can scream it, Trump can tweet it. That doesn't make anything they say true.

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