Coverup In Plain Sight: McConnell Blocks Resolution To Make Mueller Report 'Public'
Mitch McConnell keeps up his Trump protection racket operation in place.
Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell continued his protection racket for the Trump administration by blocking a non-binding resolution that Congress wants special counsel Robert Mueller's full report made public.
The entire House passed the resolution 420-0. Here's what the Senate did:
Sen. Schumer, (who I have never been very fond of) said, "Whether or not you're a supporter of President Trump or not, whether you feel there is no good reason to make the report public---the American people deserve to see the documentation. What did they do? Who did they approach? What happened? -- It's a simple request for transparency, Nothing more, nothing less."
That was too much for McConnell, who said, "To date, the attorney general has followed through on his commitments to Congress. One of those commitments is that he intends to release as much information as possible."
He continued, "It's not unreasonable to give the special counsel and the Justice Department just a little time to complete their review in a professional and responsible manner."
In other words, William Barr needs time to redact as much damaging information from the Mueller report about Trump as possible to hide damaging information on Trump from the American people.
And if they need so much time, why was it that Trump's Attorney General was able to quickly vindicate Trump in his whitewash of a summary, and then make a legal decision to not charge him with obstruction of justice, without reading through the entire report?
This is a cover-up in plain sight. It must not stand.