Neil Cavuto: Has Trump 'Jumped The Shark' With New Attacks Against John McCain?

Cavuto has not been shy about criticizing Trump on his home network.

Neil Cavuto opened up his Tuesday afternoon telecast by being particularly perplexed why Trump would continue to assail the late Senator John McCain, especially in front of the president of Brazil during Tuesday's press spray.

He also had a warning for the commander in disgrace.

“Seven months after John McCain is laid to rest, Donald Trump still can’t seem to give it a rest. Forget about whether a president, any should be doing this. Is this one risking losing a second term if he keeps doing this?”

He spoke to his fellow Foxer John Roberts and then his political panel on Tuesday about whether or not Trump may be alienating Republicans with his continued attacks on the deceased Sen. John McCain.

"And for a president who has a lot of things going his way, is he the one who is ultimately getting in the way of himself and his party?" Cavuto wondered.

He continued, "A message on paper that seven and ten Americans saying we like what we see even though they might not flip over the things that Donald Trump will say. Whether he's talking about a deceased Senator, he clearly doesn't like, or a late-night comedy show he clearly doesn't love or even a Fox News line-up we're told that he clearly doesn't entirely embrace."

"So put another way, is the messenger getting in the way of his own message?"

Neil addressed Fox News' White House correspondent John Roberts and said, "On whether him going after John McCain again. The president might be speaking his mind but this time he might have also jumped the shark."

Roberts said that here were many "eyebrows raised yesterday when [Trump] went on the tweet storm" that focused on his many grievances "including the long deceased Senator John McCain."

Roberts then went on to say that even though the economy and stock markets are high," the president's ratings are at 42% in a new CNN poll, which is a recent high for him. So to your question is he distracting himself from the task at hand? That may be a valid question."

Watch the entire panel debate...courtesy of Fox News.

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