Sarah Huckabee Sanders Fumbles When Asked Why Trump Never Condemned Rep. Steve King
Trump and his press secretary continued to blast the Democratic Party over some of Rep. Omar's words, but when asked about his not ever condemning Rep. Steve King, she pulled a Jackie Gleason.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Trump have demonstrably admonished the Democratic Party for not rebuking Rep. Omar loudly or specifically enough, but when asked why Trump never publicly rebuked Rep. Steve King's years of white nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism, she had no coherent answer.
During today's White House press briefing reporter Jon Karl, ABC News Chief White House Correspondent, asked if Trump really believes that Democrats hate the Jewish people. He asked, "We've seen him tweet in the last couple of days, the Democrats are the quote anti-Jewish party. Does the president really believe Democrats hate Jews?"
Sanders usually just parrots Trump's words, and she did so here. She replied that Trump has been an unwavering ally of the Jewish people and, "the remarks that have been made by a number of Democrats and failed to be called out by Democratic leadership is frankly abhorrent, and it's sad."
The press secretary attacked the Democratic resolution against all forms of hate. Sanders continued, "It should be done the way the Republicans did it when Steve King made terrible comments. We called it out by name, we stripped him of his committee memberships and we'd like to see Democrats follow suit."
Karl was quick to point a very important inconsistency. He replied, "First of all, you mentioned Steve King. The president, correct me if I'm wrong, has not condemned Steve King." Sanders begins to dissemble. "I, I, I," she choked, but Karl continued, "...Praising white supremacy. Has the president publicly come out and said anything to criticize or condemn?"
Not knowing what to say, Sanders made believe when she talks, it's actually Trump's voice talking mystically through her. She said, "I speak on behalf of the president on a number of topics, and I've talked about that a number of times, and I'd refer you back to those comments where I used words like abhorrent and unacceptable."
Then she quickly moved on to Fox News' John Roberts.
Trump rage tweets in crazed bursts when he feels it's advantageous for him to attack his rivals or those that refuse to (dare I say) think like him, and that's why he's trying to cover up for his party's anti-Semitic members by doing so here.
He has no problem weighing in on every topic imaginable, yet he was mute about the repulsive behavior of Rep. Steve King, Rep. Louie Gohmert, and many others, not to mention his own personal history of many anti-Semitic remarks. It's so glaring you could go blind.