Sen. Chuck Schumer Compares Trump's Defense Of Neo-Nazis To Rep. Omar

Shame on Sen. Chuck Schumer

When will old-time Democratic politicians learn?

No matter what you say or do when it comes to sparring with the craven Republicans in Congress, the White House or their propagandists on television, they will always attack and malign you.

Truth and credibility doesn't matter in their world view. Only Put downs, rank outs, lies and conspiracy theories are what motivates them and their base.

I am not the judge to the Jewish community when it comes to certain phrases that can be viewed negatively towards them, but there is a huge difference when it comes to being an actual anti-Semite or not.

I have friends who didn't approve of Rep. Omar's use of the term 'benjamins,' but they know that doesn't make her anti-Semitic or a hater of Israel.

But when a President of the United States goes on television and yells at our national media with an angry reddened face that not all neo-Nazis marching, yelling and demonstrating on anti-Semitism entirely in Charlottesville are not bad people - some very fine people -- there is no comparison.

Does Schumer not remember that Heather Heyer was murdered at the Right To March event by a man fascinated with Hitler and Nazism?

Here's what Sen. Schumer said at the AIPAC convention.

Schumer said, “When someone names only prominent Jews as trying to buy or steal our elections, we must call it out."

That was a criticism on Trump.

"When someone says that being Jewish and supporting Israel means you’re not loyal to America, we must call it out."

This is an attack on Rep. Omar and that a lie. He should be ashamed of himself.

"When someone looks at a neo-Nazi rally and sees some ‘very fine people’ among its company, we must call it out.

Trump criticism.

"When someone suggests money drives support for Israel, we must call it out.”

That's not what she said or meant.

As Paste Magazine writes, "It’s not bad enough that Schumer is throwing a fellow Washington Democrat under the bus, it’s made a million times worse that he’s equating her legitimate criticisms with the bigotries of Donald Trump.

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