Steve Doocy Fearmongers Over Electoral College

No, Steve Doocy, eliminating the Electoral College does not mean an end to the New Hampshire Primary. What are you smoking?

Leave it to Fox and Friends to lie and fearmonger about "losing" the precious constitutional tradition... of the Electoral College.

Elizabeth Warren is calling for the abolition of the Electoral College to increase the influence of non-"swing" states.

The notion that abolishing the Electoral College would mean New York and California would elect the president is nonsense. Texas has a huge population, as does Florida and the Midwest. Candidates would have to stage national campaigns to win, and that's what the parties and media people are afraid of. There are costs to their bottom line if votes in every state are worth getting.

The fact that abolishing this albatross would increase their viewer's chance of actually seeing a presidential candidate in person by a factor of fifty is not mentioned.

Instead, Steve Doocy pretends that converting our elections into "one person, one vote" will set fire to the...New Hampshire primary?

Doocy claims that based on the popular vote, candidates would only campaign in New York and California. And that the change would make the New Hampshire primary "irrelevant."

Doocy does not understand how elections work. And that ridiculous chyron: "Dem Voters Challenge Constitutional Principles"?

It's only a constitutional principle for you until Texas turns blue, and you know it.

PS. There's always a tweet:

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