Stuart Varney Livid Over Fox News Poll: 'Rich Are Not Paying Enough' Taxes

Stuart Varney enraged that taxing the rich is very popular with Americans (in a FOX poll no less!)

Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney was flabbergasted that a new Fox News poll showed 34% of their respondents said the "rich are not paying enough" taxes.

The rise in popularity of progressive policies like "making the rich pay their fair share" has made Fox News and Trump's administration focus on and demonize rising young newly-elected politicians like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

But their built-in outrage machine has only made her one of the most popular Congresswomen in the country... and has helped fuel the rise in resentment against the extravagance of the wealthy.

And the dislike of the Republican bourgeoisie class only intensified after Trump and Republicans passed a tax cut for the rich.

At the four-minute mark of Varney & Co., host Stuart Varney brought on John Lonski, Chief Capital economist for Moody, to bitch and moan about the new Fox Poll.

Varney, "New Fox poll, got to tell you about this one, 34 percent say the rich are not paying enough in taxes. 34 percent, not paying enough, the rich. Well, that's interesting. Hey, John Lonski, I thought that number would be a lot higher, actually."

That number was the highest one recorded in the poll when asking respondents, "What bother you most about paying taxes?"

Lonski said, "But it still shows us, I think, that over time, the country has been drifting to the left on income taxation. That percentage was lower when this survey was previously conducted. For some reason, people feel that the rich are not paying their fair share when in fact, they pay a huge percentage of federal income taxes.

That's the same bogus argument the bourgeoisie class (the economic ruling class who owned the means of production) have been making for decades.

Varney whined about Warren, "Now, what would be the effect of, say, Elizabeth Warren's wealth tax, 2 percent -- "

Lonski, "Well, what a mess. How are you going to tax wealth? How do you tax real estate wealth? You're going to have people going around trying to figure out the valuation of real estate?"

Varney, "What poll, after poll shows, is people want the very, very rich -- at the tippy-top, as AOC says, to pay a lot more. What would be the effect of the very, very rich paying a whole lot more? "

Lonski, "I don't think it's going to do a heck of a lot of good at helping to narrow the U.S.' federal budget deficit. The deficit is so wide, and if you start taxing this wealth, it's not even going to hardly put a dent in the deficit and it may have the unwanted effect of reducing the incentive of people that are very talented and very rich to go ahead, expand their businesses, and make jobs and drive the economy higher."

No one stops pursuing wealth because their taxes will be higher.

Wealth inequality stifles the ability of working people to be able to provide for their families and have affordable good healthcare. It's time to fix that by making rich people pay their fair share in taxes.

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