Trevor Noah: Without Conspiracy Theorists, 'Fox News Would Be A Bunch Of Empty Couches And A Sexual Harassment Settlement!'

The Daily Show gives a shout out to for exposing Fox News conspiracy theorists.

The Daily Show highlighted the insane bellyaching from Fox News over those supporting the Mueller probe and concluded that without, "conspiracy theorist, propagandist and liars, there would be no Fox News."

Trevor Noah was on fire last night and played assorted clips from Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity that are calling for retribution against Trump's rivals.

Carlson said Democrats opposing Trump should be punished.

Laura said she's going to expose those responsible for being unpatriotic towards Heir Trump.

But Hannity won the top prize for his over-the-top faux outrage saying, "My promise to this country from this night forward is we will hold every liar, every propagandist, every conspiracy theorist accountable. this will likely take months and maybe longer."

MAGA minions, gather your torches and pitchforks because we are going over to Adam Schiff's house to burn us down some payback, baby!

Noah jumped in, "Whoa, whoa, Sean Hannity, pump the breaks!"

"If you got rid of all the conspiracy theorists, propagandists, and liars, Fox News would be a bunch of empty couches and a sexual harassment settlement!"

"Slow down, slow down," Noah said.

Trevor continued, "I'm not saying no one on the left got the collusion thing wrong, but these people -- these people don't get to say shit about conspiracy theories and political lies."

"These people, no, no!"

Noah then showed a smidgen of their crazed conspiracies they've all promoted, including prominently displaying one of Karoli's articles on Tucker Carlson from 2014 called, "Tucker Carlson Flogs The Old Death Panels Trope To Discourage ACA Enrollment"

Fox and Friends, Outnumbered, The Five, Tucker Carlson, Hannity and Ingram make up a good portion of Fox News' coverage and are the most egregious offenders and it's all programmed towards state-sponsored TV that supports Trump at every turn and uses whatever means possible to smear his rivals.

You can see full episodes and clips of TDS here and here.

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