Trump's Personal Lawyer Will 'Aggressively Fight' Release Of Trump's Written Answers To Mueller

Wave goodbye to Presidential transparency under the Trump administration.

Jay Sekulow had memory problems of his own defending Trump, Jr., and the Trump Tower meeting with Russians on television, but today he told CNN's Alisyn Camerota that he's against letting Americans know Trump's answers to Mueller's questions. “I would fight very aggressively for that information not to be released," he insisted.

Trump, though, has said he wants all of the Mueller report to come out, and that he could declassify the entire thing if he so chooses, but I doubt he will. And on CNN's News Day, Jay Sekulow wasn't so willing to be transparent with his Donald's answers.

Sekulow was clearly very happy that William Barr released his white-wash of the Mueller report so quickly. So, when Camerota asked, "Will you release the president's answers, the written answers that you gave to Robert Mueller's team? Can the public see those?" Sekulow stumbled.

He faltered at first when he started his answer, then said, "That would not be a position where I would want to release a statement where we would release confidential communications that took place between the president of the United States and the Department of Justice or the Special Counsel's office."

“I would fight very aggressively for that information not to be released. I think any lawyer would,” he said.

If you have nothing to hide, then why is that, Jay?

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