Charles Payne Lunacy: Minimum Wage 'Snuffs Out The Ambitions' Of 'Good Workers'
Charles Payne threw out a bunch of red herrings about how minimum wages destroy worker ethics only hurts impoverished families.
Every day is 'Bash Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Day' on Fox News. This is pretty damn pathetic.
All three Fox and Friends co-hosts joined in the smears, bringing out Fox Business' Charles Payne to make a few bogus remarks about how minimum wage affects worker ethics and how they view each other in the work place?
Why? Only he knows.
Brian Kilmeade was first up and he makes believe there's some backlash against the young Congresswoman from Queens, when in reality it was just Sen. Ted Cruz acting like a dick on Twitter.
Brian said, "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is facing backlash in some corners for comparing airport croissants prices to the fight for a higher minimum wage."
Doocy joined in and read AOC's tweet.
Ainsley was last and said, "Well, this morning a "New York Post" op-ed fired back, arguing your wage is no kind of measure of human worth." Hot, damn, NY Post. They pwnd her.
Enter Charles Payne, representing all the minimum wage workers of America.
He came on to set AOC straight.
Ainsley asked, "What doesn't she get, Charles?"
Payne of the pain said, "The proponents of these minimum wage, or higher minimum wage need to understand a few things."
In Charles view, if the minimum wage is raised only the poor lose out. See?
Payne continued, "First of all, when you raise the minimum wage, the business has to raise price of their products. Guess who get hurt the most there? Poor households. Most poor households that I know have more than one person working on minimum wage. So I'd rather have two people making $13 an hour, instead of one making $15 an hour, because that's the realistic consequences."
Maybe they should have three jobs each at $10 an hour, Charles?
Payne said, "Another thing from a business point of view: If I'm a business person, right, I want to be able to reward the great workers. In this sense, you reward bad workers and you punish good workers."
Now he's a human resources person evaluating how each minimum wage worker is performing. Maybe, just maybe workers in a minimum paying job all are doing their best and working quality wise about the same? Idjut.
Usually conservative stock market pundits argue against raising the minimum wage because these jobs aren't supposed to be stepping stones to the American dream, but whatevs.
Kilmeade, an employer of thousands I assume, observed, "Unless you give them a raise, and that cuts into your margin."
Payne brought the pain, "But that gets back to raising the prices though, right? So the bottom line is, if you want to talk about people being disposable, [Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's] idea of a standard minimum wage snuffs out the ambitions of the person at this company who could excel."
"Why would I excel if the person who is not working hard gets the same pay that I get? Ironically, if they were talking about erasing these sort of standards, letting people go in and excel on their own merit, that would actually have more potential."
Dammit, if I'm able to cook ten burgers and underachieving and lazy Ted only makes eight an hour, I'd be pissed too.
Has Charles worked at a McD's, in a food court, or a small shop in a mall any time lately?
WTF is he talking about? Excelling at what, exactly?
Most people working at any job have a decent work ethic. And I've found many rich people are the f**king deadbeats when it comes to spit and polish.
This is absolute nonsense.