Chris Wallace: 'Barr Acting As Counselor To The President'
The Fox News host portrayed Bill Barr as not doing his job, but rather Trump's service.
Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace reacted to the Barr Press conference this morning.
He said that Barr was acting like the “counselor to the president” instead of the Attorney General.
He also said Democratic heads were going to explode on the Hill.
“When it came to the obstruction case and as he pointed out, there were 10 instances that the special counsel raised that could be considered a potential obstruction. “
I tweeted this earlier
So if you are an angry buffoon sitting in the Oval Office and you are constantly screaming "witch hunt", smearing the special counsel, maligning the press and firing the FBI director for not being loyal enough, it’s perfectly normal?
Wallace continued, “Then you got into this very curious area where the attorney general seemed almost to be acting as the counselor for the defense, the counselor for the president rather than the attorney general, talking about his motives, talking about his anger, his feeling this was unfair and there were leaks and really, as I said, making a case for the president.”
“I suspect Democrats' heads on Capitol Hill were exploding and they are going to come down very sharply about the way that Bill Barr today laid this out because there is no question this is going to be -- the first look in a sense that everybody has gotten today at the Mueller report and this was as good a case as the president and the president's lawyers could make that "there is nothing to see here, let's move on."